Every so often I write a blog post about having nothing to say. It looks like that time of year again. But it feels different this time. Rightly or wrongly I perceive blogging as an activity that is being buried by shorter forms of social media and I don’t have the drive to blog anymore.

We, the sponsors

Someone raised a point on a singer’s fan club forum recently. (I won’t tell you the singer’s name because I’ve banged on about her long enough now.) Why aren’t fans allowed to meet their music heroes backstage?

Dusseldorf part 2

So it all boils down to tonight. I’ll probably write part 2 on Sunday and you’ll either hear about my Damascene conversion and splurging on tickets for December’s show, or all my future holidays being confined exclusively to the north west of England. (Chris Harrison, July 6th 2018)


Originally posted on TotenUniverse:
I won’t be calling it Walpurgisnacht next year. In its modern incarnation its origins are Christian. Like Halloween, there’s a lot of devilry, but look closely and you’ll spot the witches on top of the bonfires, not dancing around them. (banner photo Heidelberger Thingstätte by AndreasF) Statue of St Walburga in…

Walpurgisnacht Competition

Originally posted on TotenUniverse:
April 30th was a significant date in the calendar for northern European witches, mainly in Germany and Holland. On Walpurgisnacht witches would be drawn to the summit of the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz mountains. And Walpurgisnacht seems to be the right moment to make changes to the TotenUniverse.…

Is this the end?

That sounds a bit apocalyptic, but I’m referring to the book sales. I have a plan that involves withdrawing all the ebooks from sales channels, offering them for free from the website and making money from other product lines. Does this sound like a plan?

Compulsive Writing

I once abandoned a novel after running out of steam. It was 2002 or thereabouts and I never thought I’d write another one. Now, if I don’t write something every day I shake like a man totally wired on espresso.

Fred Dibnah

There are men who can run as fast as gazelles and women who can dive to great depths holding their breath for up to twenty minutes. But one man from Bolton could defy gravity. Fred Dibnah.

A Familiar Formatting Problem

Originally posted on TotenUniverse:
Most self-published authors will have encountered Smashwords’ notorious ‘meatgrinder,’ and few of them survive unscathed. They know what I’m talking about, but for those of you who haven’t come across this Gilliamesque monster, it’s the automated system Smashwords uses to convert uploaded files into various ebook formats. And it doesn’t work.…

Why Does Everything Cost 99p

The world does not need a five pound coin. It doesn’t need a commemorative silver guinea or a special three pound coin with the queen’s head on it. What the world needs is a 99p coin. (If you’re reading this blog in some other economic zone substitute pounds and pence with your own currency.)

Latest Spam no.4

There’s been quite a lot of spam recently in response to The Agent’s Cipher blog post, but that is now closed to comments, so those adverts for American football shirts will be coming your way soon. Today, I received a very nice comment from a man called Xoy Chaopi, who might be Aztec, I’m not … More Latest Spam no.4

Latest Spam no.3

Once again I am being visited by kindly souls pleased to have the opportunity to interact with greatness such as I. But there are times when I wonder about their motivations and grow a little suspicious, so forgive me if I come across a bit grumpy this time around.