The Incredible Disappearing Man

It always tickles me when I read a blogger apologising for not blogging in a while. But then if they have hundreds of caring followers I can see why they would do that. I, on the other hand, struggle to get more than twenty readers per post and I know you lot won’t have missed me, but . . . I’m back. Sort of.

It all comes down to priorities. In my self-employed days I could write in the afternoons when the cafes were open, work in the mornings and evenings. But now I’m fully employed and because I can’t write at home there are limited public places I can go evenings and weekends. Given a choice between working on the fifth novel and blogging, the blog paid the price.

But I’ve found ways of creating quiet time at work – during the dinner break – and I’ve managed to knock out eleven blog posts, and with one published per week that should keep things going for a few months. You may have noticed a new blog theme. All part of a plan to revamp everything ready for when the new novel is out later this year.

So there we are. The first blog post of this new era will be about insects. In the future look out for posts about the private sector, Lake District stress and the funniest zombie joke you’ve never heard!

7 thoughts on “The Incredible Disappearing Man

  1. Call my cynical, but I always found bloggers “apologizing” for their extended absence just a tad narcissistic, even if they do have hundreds or thousands(?) of subscribers. Needless to say, I love doing it!

    Congratulations on your full employment, sir. And may you continue happy blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Someone actually asked me where my posts were (thanks CS Wilde, I know someone cares…) Hence this post. It was also an excuse to write something, anything.

      Thanks for the congratulations, and your comment reminds me I should have posted another post today.


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