Toten Herzen Malandanti Extract – Rose Pursey

It’s summer, the female solo artists are coming into bud and causing the usual huffing and puffing as they struggle to maintain their relevence. I thought it an appropriate time to unleash an extract from Toten Herzen Malandanti featuring their litigious US nemesis Rose Pursey. In Malandanti, Pursey is suing Dee Vancent for libel and … More Toten Herzen Malandanti Extract – Rose Pursey

Exclusive interview with Toten Herzen’s Susan Bekker

Toten Herzen’s lead guitarist and arguably the most famous Rotterdam resident you’ve never heard of talks of small gobby singers, Jimi Hendrix, dog bites and growing very very old in the business of rock music. TheOpeningSentence Will this interview lead to massive recrimination and legal action? Susan Bekker No. TOS So it’s going to be … More Exclusive interview with Toten Herzen’s Susan Bekker

Dee Vincent’s Hullaballoo interview…

It caused a shitstorm, a $120 million dollar lawsuit and questions within the band. Now, heavily redacted the ‘full’ interview. Sort of! The location where we’ve arranged to meet Dee Vincent, lead singer with reborn shock rockers Toten Herzen, is the sort of back street photographic studio you see in hip fashion shoots, all desaturated … More Dee Vincent’s Hullaballoo interview…

On borrowed time

In Malandanti Susan Bekker, lead guitarist, decides she wants to sing on the new album. This doesn’t go down too well with Dee Vincent, the lead singer. Throughout the novel the tension betwen guitarist and singer builds in classic Gillan/Blackmore style. Dee isn’t the first person you’d imagine having a crisis, but in this scene … More On borrowed time